Since You Asked: What is the Law of Attraction?
Do you remember watching middle school crushes play out? A boy likes a girl, and does anything he can to get her love. He buys her food, gifts, and walks with her to her next class period. He talks to her all the time because he likes her, and he’s worried she won’t return his affection unless he spends every possible moment trying to win it.
While charmed, the girl feels like the boy is trying too hard. Because of this, she decides not to pursue things any further. When the boy understands this, he stops chasing after her. He goes back to spending time with his friends and doing what he enjoys.
All of a sudden, the girl realizes her feelings and starts to have a crush on the boy.
If this scenario (or anything similar) has ever happened in your love life, it could be the Law of Attraction at play. In middle school we didn’t realize it, but this phenomenon can pop up in many aspects of our lives. Recognition of patterns like this can largely be attributed to books such as The Four Agreements and The Secret which recently regained popularity.
In simple terms, the Law of Attraction says that what we focus on, we attract into our lives. Those who generally think more positively get more of what they desire, while negative thinkers receive less. While the Law of Attraction won’t necessarily make you uber-rich or magically write the last half of your thesis while you’re sleeping, it can be a helpful way to reframe your thinking and manifest more positive things into your life.
Graphic by April James
Focusing on What We Want
We are thinking constantly. Because the Law of Attraction is always working, we should be thinking specific thoughts on things we do want, so the universe can receive our request and understand it perfectly.
However, life isn’t perfect, and it's hard to be specific with what we want all the time. To sort through our own thoughts and desires, we can learn to focus our priorities through meditation, journaling, or deep breathing exercises. We can also condition ourselves to use that time to focus on things we do want, while also letting go of emotions we don’t need.
The boy definitely followed this step, so why wasn’t the girl receptive to his affection?
Setting Our Intentions Free
The Law of Attraction not only asks people to focus on what they want, but also let these things go. The boy wanted to be with the girl so badly that he drove her away instead. Yes, he was putting attention towards her, but he also wasn’t giving her time she needed to breathe and be free. The second he moved on, he released his expectations of her, allowing her the space she needed to evaluate and determine her own feelings.
We have to trust the universe or higher power to support us and give us what we want in due time.
Final Thoughts on the Law of Attraction
If this concept, that you could have anything you want if you just think about it, then let it go is new to you, you probably have a million questions.
In love, the Law of Attraction can be used to manifest your dream partner. You can get the guy or girl who ghosted you to pop up randomly in your DM’s. You can get the ex who blocked you on all social media to unblock you. They might even strike up a conversation (if that’s what you really want).
However, you can also accidentally manifest the wrong types of people if you’re not careful with what you wish for. Though this is possible, do not fear your own mind. Remember that positive thoughts are more powerful than negative ones, and that your mind is yours. You have the power at any time to change how you feel, or reset your emotions through journaling, deep breathing, and/or meditation techniques.
If you’re still wondering what the fuss is about, testing out the Law of Attraction is pretty simple. Ask yourself, what more is it that you really want? Whatever it is, just know it is possible with a couple simple points: to focus on what you want, then set those thoughts free.
Written by Nhatalya Pagtakhan