11 signs you’re getting comfortable in your relationship

Written by Nhatalya Pagtakhan

1. You respond back to their texts ASAP

Forget being cool and looking like you’ve got a life outside of your relationship. All you wanna do is spam text them and send memes until they reply back. There is no longer such a thing as being needy, y’all simply have each other’s attention and there is no reason to hide your willingness to engage with them.

2. You’ve memorized their food order

Ever heard of food as the sixth love language? Whether it’s a good day, a bad day or a day you don’t feel like cooking, bringing home their favorite takeout without asking is a godsend. And also, possibly a sign you two have been eating out a lot.

3. You can take selfies together

It used to be so embarrassing to take selfies in public, when you used to wonder what other people would think of you two. Now, you just see selfies as a way to have the memories handy and easy to look back on.

4. You wear sweatpants to their house all the time

Forget that cute pair of pants you’ve been wanting to wear out of the house, your sweatpants will feel comfier when you’re driving over or coming back. They’ll still love you, and you won’t have those weird lines the pants were giving you. Save them for a party and just wear the sweats, bestie.

5. There are no secrets between the two of you

Even the things you don’t wanna know, you probably already do. You also somehow know about their co-workers, their siblings and their friends’ drama because you tell each other everything, almost to a fault.

6. Manners go out the window

We’re thinking mainly about farting and burping around each other. When you first started dating, you both vowed you'd never do it. But then one slip-up turned into a lifetime of funky bodily sounds and stenches.

7. You ask them questions to bug them

It’s no longer a surprise when you ask if they’d still love you if you were a worm.

8. You run out of things to talk about sometimes ...

How awkward when y’all be on FaceTime laughing about something, then suddenly the call goes silent and you’re just staring at each other through the screen ...

9. But it’s okay, because you two can sit in comfortable silence together

Honestly, wishing I was you right now, because then I’d actually be able to get homework done when I visited my boyfriend during the week.

If you can do your own thing in the same room without feeling the need to talk or impress the other person, you’ve made it to a point of true comfort around each other.

10. You worry less about them breaking up with you for the little reasons

Relationships, especially at the beginning, can be easy to walk away from. When you have anxious tendencies, you’re more likely to ruminate about whether the person you’re with will want to leave you due to small conflicts, even though they’re not big reasons to break up. But once you’re more comfortable with your significant other, and hopefully able to increase your self-assuredness and security in the relationship, then you’re probably going to be thinking less about whether or not you said something wrong or if your argument is about to cause a serious end to your relationship. You can both better resolve conflict, and you overall think less about the worst case scenario.

11. You can be cringey together

All those things that used to make you go “ick” about previous partners go out the window. You can make funny TikToks, don’t feel awkward dancing or singing in front of them and can just be your true self. There is nothing either of you would do for or to each other that could scare the other person away, and there is nothing more freeing than being able to be yourself in front of that person.

Header photo by (Andres Ayrton / Pexels)




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